Gestire uno scandalo, il caso FIFA e VW

Nella categoria Controlli, audit e compliance da su 21 novembre 2015 0 Commenti

310x0_1442829972600_GettyImages_110969287Companies can learn from their mistakes? As recounted by Luke Graham in his article “Managing a scandal: what can you learn from FIFA and VW?” On CNBC, experts believe that by observing how Volkswagen and FIFA have managed their scandals can learn valuable lessons.

Recently, FIFA was hit by a series of corruption allegations and FIFA President Sepp Blatter, under investigation, has refused to step down. “It seems his power has deafened him to even the loudest calls for him to leave. This is common when a leader has been all-powerful for some time”, said Andre Spicer, professor of organizational behavior at Cass Business School. According to him, one of the biggest problems of FIFA’s own arrogance, “they need to listen to criticism from outside, and show that they can change the root causes of their problems.”

Different was the decision of the Chief Executive Martin Winterkorn VW, not investigated on a personal level, who resigned after the admission of Volkswagen of cheating on tests of emission USA. The response of VW has demonstrated acceptance of responsibility for his actions and change the root cause of his problems. “One lesson (from the Volkswagen scandal) is you can do the wrong things for quite some time, but eventually you get caught” However, only danger is imminent that the organization, once resolved the scandal, can forget the lessons he has learned. “Companies that keep around the reminders of what they did wrong will remember for years later”. These memories can be represented by persons involved, physical evidence or stories told among the staff . VW decided to replace Winterkorn with Matthias Mueller, former CEO of the subsidiary, Porsche, by 2010. Hiring an outsider can create problems?

The article “Managing a scandal: what can you learn from FIFA and VW?” On CNBC (1/10/15) the link .
You can also affect items on “Scandal Volkswagen. Comparison between America and Europe “(10/19/15) the link , “Scandal Volkswagen:” bad apples “or corporate culture?” (21:10:15) to the link .


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Studentessa universitaria di Economia e Management, fin dal liceo ho sentito particolarmente a me vicini i temi della legalità e della trasparenza. E' lì che ho scoperto e cominciato a coltivarela mia passione per l’attenzione al sociale e la curiosità sulle dinamiche che governano la nostra attuale società. Sono entusiasta ora di prendere parte a questa nuova avventura!

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