
Qui è possibile trovare tutti gli eventi internazionali e non, passati, in corso e futuri riguardo il tema della Corruzione. Gli eventi sono stati selezionati in base al tema della corruzione (affrontata in tutti i suoi ambiti) organizzati in tutto il mondo da qualsiasi organizzazione.

Tavola Rotonda on line conclusiva della V Edizione del Master Anticorruzione, a.a. 2019-2020: “Governance ed etica nella nuova normalità”, 19 marzo 2021, ore 14.

Nella categoria Eventi da su 10 febbraio 2021 0 Commenti
Tavola Rotonda on line conclusiva della V Edizione del Master Anticorruzione, a.a. 2019-2020: “Governance ed etica nella nuova normalità”, 19 marzo 2021, ore 14.

Tavola Rotonda on line conclusiva della V Edizione del Master Anticorruzione, a.a. 2019-2020: “Governance ed etica nella nuova normalità”, 19 marzo 2021, ore 1sono stati riconosciuti tre crediti formativi ordinari per i partecipanti iscritti presso l’Albo tenuto dal Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Roma. Per iscrizioni: Avv. Daniela Condò, daniela.condo@uniroma2.it 🎓🇮🇹

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COE – GRECO, Strasbourg, 16 – 20 mar 2020, 85th Plenary Meeting

Nella categoria Estero, Eventi da su 1 gennaio 2020 0 Commenti
COE – GRECO, Strasbourg, 16 – 20 mar 2020, 85th Plenary Meeting

          The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) was established in 1999 by the Council of Europe to monitor States’ compliance with the organisation’s anti-corruption standards. GRECO’s objective is to improve the capacity of its members to fight corruption by monitoring their compliance with Council of Europe anti-corruption standards through a dynamic process of […]

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OECD – W.G. on Bribery, Paris, 10 – 13 mar 2020 – Plenary Meetings working Group on Bribery

Nella categoria Eventi da su 1 gennaio 2020 0 Commenti
OECD – W.G. on Bribery, Paris, 10 – 13 mar 2020 – Plenary Meetings working Group on Bribery

            Established in 1994, the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (Working Group) is responsible for monitoring the implementation and enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, the 2009 Recommendation on Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Bribery in International Business Transactions (2009 Anti-Bribery Recommendation) and related instruments. This peer-review monitoring system […]

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Lagos, 23 – 25 feb. 2020, IBA Anti-Corruption in Africa Conference

Nella categoria Eventi da su 1 gennaio 2020 0 Commenti
Lagos, 23 – 25 feb. 2020, IBA Anti-Corruption in Africa Conference

TOPICS INCLUDE: The use of technology in the fight against corruption Anti- corruption, human rights and business The judiciary and anti-corruption: building confidence in the legal system Anti-corruption: legal frameworks and policies in Africa The EU and Brexit: lessons for the African Union The Cotonou Agreement 2020: how the new agreement will and should be […]

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COE, STRASBOURG, 2 – 6 dec. 2019, GRECO 84th Plenary Meeting

COE, STRASBOURG, 2 – 6 dec. 2019, GRECO 84th Plenary Meeting

                  At its 83rd Plenary Meeting (Strasbourg, 17-21 June 2019), the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO): High-level conference: “GRECO: past, present & future” (Monday 17 June – a.m.) 1. warmly welcomed the holding of this high-level event to mark GRECO’s 20th anniversary in cooperation with the […]

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OECD, PARIS, WG ON BRIBERY, 10-13 dec 2019, Plenary Meetings Working Group on Bribery

Nella categoria Analisi e Ricerche, Estero, Eventi, Unione Europea da su 25 settembre 2019 0 Commenti
OECD, PARIS, WG ON BRIBERY, 10-13 dec 2019, Plenary Meetings Working Group on Bribery

Established in 1994, the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (Working Group) is responsible for monitoring the implementation and enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, the 2009 Recommendation on Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Bribery in International Business Transactions (2009 Anti-Bribery Recommendation) and related instruments. This peer-review monitoring system is conducted in […]

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UNODC, ABU DHABI, 16 – 20 dec. 2019, UNCAC – 8th Conference of States Parties (COSP)

Nella categoria Estero, Eventi da su 18 luglio 2019 0 Commenti
UNODC, ABU DHABI, 16 – 20 dec. 2019, UNCAC – 8th Conference of States Parties (COSP)

                The Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, at its seventh session, held in Vienna from 6 to 10 November 2017, welcomed the progress made by States parties and the Secretariat in the implementation of its resolution 6/6 of 6 November 2015, […]

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WIEN, UNCAC, 2-4 Sept. 2019, 10th session of the Implementation Review Group

Nella categoria Estero, Eventi da su 18 luglio 2019 0 Commenti
WIEN, UNCAC, 2-4 Sept. 2019, 10th session of the Implementation Review Group

              The Implementation Review Group is a subsidiary body of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption. It is responsible for having an overview of the review process and consider technical assistance requirements for the effective implementation of the Convention. In 2016, the […]

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WARSAW, OSCE, 19-25 Aug 2019, 2nd ECPR-OSCE/ODIHR Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy

Nella categoria Eventi, Unione Europea da su 18 luglio 2019 0 Commenti
WARSAW, OSCE, 19-25 Aug 2019, 2nd ECPR-OSCE/ODIHR Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy

                  Organised under the auspices of the Standing Group on Central East European Politics and with the support of the Standing Group on Political Parties of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), the School will bring together an international team of academics and practitioners to train […]

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SAVE THE DATE:#16/07/2019. Convegno di i-BEC: “La corruzione privata: responsabilità individuali e responsabilità degli enti alla luce della Legge 3/2019 e delle evoluzioni delle teorie aziendalistiche”

Nella categoria Eventi da su 27 giugno 2019 0 Commenti
SAVE THE DATE:#16/07/2019. Convegno di i-BEC: “La corruzione privata: responsabilità individuali e responsabilità degli enti alla luce della Legge 3/2019 e delle evoluzioni delle teorie aziendalistiche”

  Convegno organizzato da i-Bec – Istituto di studi di Business Ethics & Compliance, con la collaborazione del Master Anticorruzione Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata. Il 16 luglio p.v., alle ore 14.30, presso la Sala del Parlamentino del CNEL, Viale Lubin 2, Roma. Il convegno vedrà la partecipazione di magistrati, esponenti delle autorità […]

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