New anticorruption professionals are growing in Italy

Nella categoria Scuola e Formazione da su 28 febbraio 2017 0 Commenti

By Edoardo Lazzarini (Linkedin)

Last week I had the pleasure to give a lecture on how to rollout a compliance program in health care sector companies at the first “Master on Anticorruption” at the faculty of Economics at the University of “Tor Vergata” Rome.

I was impressed by the level of course and for the engagement of the students. I am sure that this type of initiative will bring a young generation of skilled and motivated anti-bribery professionals in the Italian compliance world. I would be more than happy to see other Italian compliance Officers bringing their contribution to this type of initiative and I hope that many other universities will follow this great example.

 [Note: The opinions of Edoardo are personal, and not necessarily represent the opinions of current and /or former employers, colleagues, and trade associations with which Edoardo has cooperated]

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