UNODC working group

Nella categoria Eventi da su 13 luglio 2015 0 Commenti

UNODC_logo1[31 Agosto-2 Settembre 2015] (VIENNA) UNODC working group on prevention- Sixth intersessional meeting

Secondo meeting organizzato dalle Nazioni Unite nel quale le nazioni partecipanti possono condividere le proprie esperienze, difficoltà, sfide, successi riguardo temi come le misure antiriciclaggio, l’integrità nei processi di procurement pubblico e la trasparenza nella gestione delle finanze pubbliche. Per maggiori info.



The Working Group had recommended at its second intersessional meeting that in advance of each future meeting of the Working Group, States parties should be invited to share their experiences of implementing the provisions under consideration, preferably by using the self-assessment checklist and including, where possible, successes, challenges, technical assistance needs, and lessons learned in implementation (CAC/COSP/WG.4/2011/4, paragraph 12).

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime therefore sought the cooperation of all States parties and signatories to the Convention in providing pertinent information on their relevant initiatives and practices to the Secretariat in relation to the topics for discussion at the sixth intersessional Working Group meeting:

(a) Measures to prevent money-laundering (art. 14);

(b) Integrity in public procurement processes and transparency and accountability in the management of public finances (arts. 9 and 10). INFO.


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